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$$ \rho_{Y \leftarrow X}R $$
Example 1:
Collect all the IDs in university
$\rho_{student \leftarrow SIds} \cup \rho_{Professor \leftarrow ProfIds}$
Example 2:
Filter some tuples on the base of Property $F$
$\sigma_F(R)$ \\sigma_F(R)
$F$ is cardinality depends on the property
$R$ is schema
Produce results over a subset of the attributes of the operand, with values from all its tuples
$\pi_Y(R)$ \\pi_Y(R)
Given a relation $R(X)$, $Y$ is a subset of X
$R$ is schema
SID | Name | Surname | Country |
VR1 | ANNA | B | IT |
VR2 | LUCA | R | IT |
VR3 | JOHN | S | US |
VR4 | GIULIA | J | RU |
VR5 | ANTONIA | K | BE |
SID | Name | Surname | Country |
VR1 | ANNA | B | IT |
VR2 | LUCA | R | IT |