I. Vis design


  1. Domain situation: who is the target user, their domain of interest, their question and their data
  2. Abstraction: translate from specifics of domain to vocabulary of visualization
    1. What is shown? Data abstraction
    2. Why is the user looking at it? Task abstraction (Ex: high score movies)
  3. Idiom = How is it shown?
    1. Visual encoding idiom: how to draw
    2. Interaction idiom: how to manipulate
  4. Algorithm: efficient computation

II. Data abstraction (= WHAT)


Domain characterization

Who is the target user

Design Process

  1. Characterize Domain Situation
  2. Data and Task Abstraction
    1. Map Domain-Language data description to data abstraction = WHAT
    2. Map Domain-Language task to Abstract Task = WHY
  3. Identify/Create Suitable Idiom/Technique = HOW
  4. Identify/Create Suitable Algorithm

Data and Task Abstraction